No.1 Yak milk chew Dog treat

Why Himmaleh? 

Himmaleh is a dog treat brand that is formed with a vision to provide original, natural, healthy, and tasty treat for dogs. The founder of Himmaleh has great compassion and love for the dogs. His love for the dogs is incredible and he always desired to do something great and amazing for the dogs. He went on to trace that the biggest problem for the dogs is that they not get natural and healthy treat. He found out that most of the so-called natural dogs treat contain chemicals and impurities which endanger the health and life of the most loyal species of the world. These findings lead the foundation of Himmaleh, which provides healthy and natural treat that are manufactured in Himalayas.


Our Approach

Our brand aims at value maximization rather than profit maximization. Having said that, we are driven by values and our values prohibit us from adding chemicals, grains, and higher fat content. We promise to deliver natural Himalayan yak chews that are hygienic and healthy.


Right Choice for your loving dog

Himmaleh is like a welfare dog treat brand that provides highest quality of original Himalayan dog yak chews that are naturally manufactured under good hygienic conditions. Our dog chews contain large amount of protein and calcium that can make your loving dog fit and healthy. Our dog chews are absolutely free from grain, gluten, and chemicals that endanger the health of dogs. If you want your dog to be fit and healthy, if you want your dog to eat natural Himalayan yak, if you want hygienic yak chews for you dog, then Himmaleh is a perfect choice for your dog treat.